
道成肉身的大学 人文、艺术与社会科学学院 proudly offers academic scholarships for undergraduate students in different programs.


Scholarship applications for students planning to major in Fine Arts are accepted from March 15 to April 15. Please submit 12 pieces of original artwork via slides, CD or portfolio of actual work.

学生 may hand deliver submissions to Roland Sul in Kelso Art Center Room 109 (Fine Arts Building) 艺术部门 or mail to:

4301百老汇CPO 345

Submissions must include the student’s name, address, phone number and email address. 获奖公告将于5月15日公布.

For more information, contact Professor Miguel Cortinas, 艺术部门 Chair, at (210) 829-3861 or cortinas@uiwtx.edu, or Roland Sul, Art Gallery Director, at (210) 829-3852 or sul@uiwtx.edu.

Tuition discounts are offered for participation in band ensembles at 校本. 学费学分表, 也被称为“乐队奖学金”,” is typically sent to the Office of Financial Assistance at the end of the first week of classes and should appear on students' accounts the following week.

请与Nieves教授联系Villaseñor at  nivillas@uiwtx.edu 欲知详情.

The Department of Music offers four types of scholarships, described below. 获得任何类型的奖学金, the student must return the Scholarship Acceptance Form (mailed with the award letter) to Evan Feist (efeist@uiwtx.edu). No scholarship award will be released until this form is completed and returned. 请与 财政援助办公室 to find out how your scholarship award applies to your account.


学生 may receive annually renewable music scholarships of up to $4,音乐专业的学生每学年可获得5万美元, 对于音乐未成年人,每学年最高可达800美元. These scholarships are awarded to students who show notable musical aptitude and who show significant potential to succeed in their chosen music program. Entering students must audition in January or February of the calendar year in which they plan to attend 校本. Current students not receiving the maximum amount may audition in January to increase their annual award.

这些奖学金可续期五年. 该奖项视以下条件而定:

  1. Maintenance of full-time status (12 credit hours minimum) throughout each semester of the award
  2. 参加一个主要系的合奏团(合唱团), 军乐队, Wind Ensemble or Orchestra) throughout each semester of the award, unless exempted by the music faculty for internships or student teaching
  3. Demonstrable progress toward the completion of degree requirements
  4. 总绩点保持在3分.0或更高

Failure to meet any of these conditions will result in the withdrawal of the student's scholarship. The 校本 Music faculty also reserves the right to end any music scholarship at any time based on unsatisfactory class performance or excessive absences.

关于试镜日期的详细信息以及 奖学金试镜表格 will be posted on the Department of Music website and sent in an e-mail.


一年制音乐奖学金 are available to current music students who are not receiving the maximum amount through auditions in the fall semester. 奖学金在春季学期发放. Eligible sophomores and upperclassmen must have an overall minimum GPA of 3.0分,一年级学生的GPA必须不低于3分.在他们第一个完整学期结束的时候. 一年期奖学金不可续期. 学生 must re-audition in January to be considered for an annually renewable scholarship (see above).



Ensemble scholarships are awarded at the discretion of ensemble directors. A student must register for the ensemble to receive an ensemble scholarship. Consult with the ensemble director for details and eligibility.


The Department of Music offers a limited number of endowed one-year scholarships based on academic merit. In the fall semester, a notice is sent to current students about applying for these scholarships.


The faculty strongly encourages prospective and current students to explore scholarship opportunities outside the department. 其中一些机会在威斯康星大学的报告中有所描述 助学金及奖学金 网页.

有关更详细的信息,请参阅 校本学生手册 第十二节.


取决于你的平均绩点和标准化考试成绩, students may be eligible for 校本 Merit Based 奖学金 and other financial aid. For more information, call the 校本 Office of Financial Assistance at (210) 829-6008 or visit the uw财政援助网站.

戏剧艺术奖学金从500美元到4000美元不等. The Department of Theatre Arts awards these scholarships based on the students' audition and/or portfolio. Prospective students must apply and be accepted into the University to claim any scholarship award. 高中毕业生,至少2.平均绩点5分或至少2分的大学生.5 GPA可以竞争奖学金.



uw戏剧艺术学院通常会参加一年一度的 德克萨斯州教育戏剧协会 conference, the Greater San Antonio auditions and North Texas auditions to recruit students. 学生 who wish to compete for scholarships may also make an individual appointment to audition on the 校本 campus.


  • 每位申请人必须提交一份简历, photo (non-returnable) and two letters of recommendation at the audition.
  • Student performers should present two contrasting monologues (comic/serious, classical/contemporary). The maximum time allowed for the presentation of these two monologues is four minutes.
  • 学生 interested in Theatre Design/Technology should present a portfolio of their artwork, 之前的设计, representations of Theatre Technology products and any other Design Technology-related work.
  • If distance is a problem, student performers may send a video audition of two monologues. 首选DVD格式. 类似的, students interested in Design/Technology may send us their portfolio by mail, using UPS and supplying proper insurance and a tracking number to ensure safe and prompt delivery.

安排试听或作品集审查,联系 布鲁克·阿诺德 电话:(210)829-3810或 baarnold@uiwtx.edu.